Quail Creek Plat Notes

[The following is transcribed from pages 2-3 of the Quail Creek plat blueprints, D.D.E.S. File No. S89P0060 — Steve Hollasch, 2000 September 20]



    Structures, fill or obstructions (including but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County Surface Water Management.
  2. All building downspouts, footing drains and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connecteed to the approved permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P2030 A-M on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES). This plan shall be submited with the application for any buildin permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with said plans. All individual storm drainage stub-outs shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot homeowners.
  3. Any planter island (if any) within any turnaround shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners.

    Structures, fill and obstructions (including but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs beyond eighteen inches) are prohibited beyond the building setback line, and within a 25-year flood plain (if applicable), and within the Native Growth Protection Easement(s) as shown. Dedication of a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public healt, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and upon all present and future owners and occupiers of land subject to the easement the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement. The vegetation within the easement may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express permission from King County, which permission must be obtained in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) or its successor agency. Before beginning and during the course of any grading, building construction, or other development activity on a lot subject to the NGPE, the common boundary between the easement and the area of development activity must be fenced or otherwise marked to the satisfaction of King County. A 20' wide NGPE exception shall be allowed on lot 38 for installation of a driveway and a utility conduit as shown on approved construction drawings P2030 A-M on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services.
  5. There shall be no direct vehicular ingress or egress allowed to NE Ames Lake Road from Lot 1.
  6. Tracts A and B, permanent, private open area: As a requirement for approval, these Tracts are set aside and reserved for permanent, private open space and recreational use for the benefit of the present and future owner(s) of the lots in this subdivision as authorized by Ordinance No. 9777. As a condition of approval, the undersigned owner(s) of interest in the land hereby subdivided do grant and convey a perpetual easement in Tracts A and B for the use and benefit of all present and future owner(s) of the lots in this subdivision authorized by Ordinance No. 9777. Except as shown on the plat, no buildings shall beplaced on Tracts A and B and such Tracts shall not be further subdivided or used for financial gain. Tracts A and B are herein granted and conveyed to the owners of Lots 1 though 40 with an equal and undivided interest upon the recording of this plat and said Lot owners shall be responsible for the perpetual maintenance of Tracts A and B.
  7. Subject to exceptions and reservations of coal and mineral rights by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5419328.
  8. Tract D, Private Road, is herein granted and conveyed to the owners of Lots 25 & 26 upon the recording of this plat for the purpose of ingress, egress, drainage and utilities. Said lot owners shall be responsible for the perpetual maintenance and repair of this private road and shall pay the costs incurred.
  9. Tract E, Private Road, shall be granted and conveyed to the adjacent property owner to the north by Quit Claim Deed after the recording of this plat for the purpose of ingress, egress, drainage and utilities. Said future owner shall be responsible for the construction of and perpetual maintenance and repair of the private road and shall pay the costs incurred.
  10. Tracts C and F, Public Stormwater Detention Facilities, are herein dedicated to King County upon the recording of this plat. King County shall be responsible for the perpetual maintenance of Tracts C and F.
  11. Sight Distance Easement (as shown on Lots 17 and 18): the area within this easement shall remain unobstructed and at grade no higher than one foot above proposed grade as shown on Sheet 12 of 14 of approved construction drawings P2030 A-M on file with King County D.D.E.S.
  12. Sight Distance Easement (as shown on Lot 36): the area within this easement shall remain unobstructed and at grade no higher than one foot above proposed grade as shown on Sheet 11 of 14 of approved construction drawings P2030 A-M on file with King County D.D.E.S.
  13. Subject to a Mitigation Agreement for adverse impacts on the Snoqualmie Valley School District No. 410, whereby the Developer agrees to pay the mitigation payment of $980.00 per approved single-family dwelling unit prior to or at the time of final plat approval, as recorded under Rec. No. 9210060399. Note: $39,000.00 paid to Snoqualmie Valley School District #410 on 7-12-94. This payment satisfies the condition 25 of examiner's report.
  14. The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the North-South roads with- in the range of 2401 to 2799 and within the range of 27461 to 27999 for the East-West roads. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principle entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County code 16.08.
  15. Alternate sewage disposal systems may be required on all lots.
  16. There shall be no direct vehicular ingress or egress to Quail Creek Way NE from Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29.
  17. All trees 12 inches in diameter -- breast-height or greater as shown on Lots 31, 32, 35, 36, 37 and 38 on approved construction drawings No. P2030J and P2030K on file with King County D.D.E.S. shall be preserved unless necessary to remove for building pads or safety. No cutting shall occur until approved by D.D.E.S.
  18. M.P.S. fees for roads not paid at plat recording.


No lot or portion of a lot in this plat shall be divided and sold or resold or ownership changed or transformed whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the area required for the use district in which it is located. No further subdivision of any lot shall be permitted without resubmitting for formal plat procedure.

Easement Provisions

An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to TANNER ELECTRIC COMPANY, P.T.I. COMMUNICATIONS, WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS, SUMMIT CABLEVISION, AMES LAKE WATER ASSOCIATION, and their respective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots, tracts and parcels in which to install, lay construct, renew operate and maintain underground conduits, cables, pipe, and wires with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subsdivision and other property with electric, telephone, and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots, tracts and parcels at all times for the purposes herein stated.

No lines or wires for the transmission of electric current or for telephone use, CATV, fire or police signals, or for other purposes, shall be placed or permitted to be placed upon any lot outside the buildings thereon unless the same shall be underground or in conduit attached to the building.